Recording of Rise and Design: Responding to Global Consumer Trends

Friday 12th November 2021, 9.30 - 12.30

It's probably fair to say that everything has changed in the last eighteen months, and any business that wants to thrive needs to be on top of these changes, or even better to anticipate them.

But that's easier said than done.

So we brought together companies that have developed intimate knowledge of their customers and their needs, to tell us how they do it, and share some insights to take away.

Speakers include -

James Hudson, Tommee Tippee

Tommee Tippee, a global brand whose products are created here in the North East, has long been a leader in gathering consumer insights. James in his role as Global Packaging Manager has helped remove over 200 tonnes of single-use plastics from their packaging as well as developing new products 100% plastic-free packaging, something that we can all get behind.

James shared some of this with us, as well as a sneak preview of something that's due to launch in the New Year

Joanna Feeley, Trendbible

As you might expect, Joanna and her team have their fingers on the pulse of what's hot and what's not, and more importantly what will be in vogue the year after next. They have a deep understanding of what's happening, not just in the worlds of fashion, science and design, but how we as consumers are feeling and are experiencing, and how that translates into the world we create around us.

That all sounds mind-blowing, but fortunately Joanna is an expert in helping people make sense of the world, so there was lots to take away, not least what colours we should be wearing in 2023.

Michael Pagan, DECIDE

DECIDE have been creating memorable brands for almost seventy years, including the original Fairy Liquid baby. Having seen many things come and go, they are uniquely placed to know what's coming next the the world of consumer products, and how we'll be consuming them.

We were delighted that Michael shared some of their insights into the world of brands, shopper behaviour and what influences us.


Supply Chain North East sees four key partners joining forces to work with over 800 businesses between 2018-2021 supporting businesses to identify opportunities in new and existing markets. An integral part of the North East Growth Hub, Supply Chain North East is delivered across the region by RTC North, Generator, North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA) and North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC). Supply Chain North East is receiving up to £3,148,514 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.