Cast Your Vote
and be a part of the Great Exhibition of the North
Want to be a part of the Great Exhibition of the North? Have your say... we want to hear what you think are the most influential or inspiring things in the North of England in the following categories:
- Transport (e.g Stephenson's Rocket)
- Architecture (e.g. The Liver Building)
- Culture (e.g. The Angel of the North)
- Product/Brand (e.g. Yorkshire Tea)
- and a Wild Card choice
So if you have a passion for the Tyne Bridge, you might want to put this as you architecture nomination, or if you Love the Beatles then they might be your cultural nomination.
We can't tell you too much about what we are doing as it's all top secret at the minute, but any suggestions you give (and reasons for selecting them) could potentially appear as part of an installation.
So cast your votes and have your say (you don't have to vote for every category so just fill in the ones you feel passionatelyabout and would like to appear).. but would be great if you have a nomination for each category.