Packaging design supports brewery growth with Co-op listing in 56 stores
Design Consultancy Wonderstuff, based in Newcastle upon Tyne, have again delivered packaging design which has helped secure supermarket listings for Black Storm Brewery.
Wonderstuff have supported Black Storm Brewery, working with the founder Paul Hughes, to create the branding and core range of four beers, in 300ml bottles, in 2017.
The beer bottle labels, designed to launch the brewery’s range of traditonal style beers have recently been developed to suit 500ml bottles which are now listed in 56 Co-op stores, providing the brewery with the opportunity to reach new audiences and increase sales. The co-op has listed two of the range – Blonde and IPA – in new 500ml bottles and will look to expand the range as demand increases.
Alongside the core range Wonderstuff have developed seasonal beer cans and are currently working on a proejct with Black Storm, collaborating with Brewers and artists acorss the UK to make 12 great beers in 12 months. The Co-op listing backs up the value design adds for businesses, and is another example of how Wonderstuff’s packaging work has helped clients build brands and secure listings in major supermarkets, including Morrisons, Holland & Barrett, Majestic Wines, and now Co-op.
Wonderstuff, have, over the last ten years, built up their experience in helping clients develop packaging design solutions that deliver results.